Thursday, March 10, 2011

People Who Get Too Easily Offended

This is something that legitimately bugs me, and also is a good disclaimer for this blog. Don't read it if you are going to get offended. It is not meant to infer anything to anyone specifically - it is a just a rant, an outlet, my $0.02. In fact, if I tried to sell my opinions, they would probably be valued at less than two cents. And so would yours.

I can't stand people who call in to radio shows to complain about something they heard someone say, or write angry letters to the FCC demanding the censorship of something they have been exposed to by watching the television. With the Internet being what it is, this comes up a lot. A lot of opinions and cents being bandied about and a lot of people being offended. If you don't want to read/see/hear it, then don't read/see/listen to it!!! There are a lot of options out there, people are free to choose what they want to consume.

If you don't want to hear someone else's opinion, what makes you think anybody wants to hear yours? I think a lot of this boils down to plain old ignorance. Perhaps that person is not aware of the context of the conversation, sarcasm has flown right over their head, they don't understand the concepts being discussed, or maybe are too damn close-minded to consider anything other than what they think to be right. I honestly think some people just like to be offended. 

**Now listen, I'm not talking about blatantly hateful material here. Yes, please be offended by that. Write letters. Fart in the envelope and mail it to them. I'm talking about the mundane and easily tuned out drivel you hear and see everywhere - including blogs like this one  

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