Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Merry Fishmas!"

Mr. Burns as Santa

I'm having trouble getting into the "Christmas Spirit" this year. We have had our tree up for weeks. I've gone to the parties. The presents have been bought. But I'm just not feeling it.

I don't know what it is. Its like I almost feel resentful of the the obligation that is Christmas. And because that is so much the opposite of what the spirit of the season is supposed to be, I just can't reconcile the two.

I am doing these things - not because its pretty and fun, or because I want to spend time with family and friends, or because I like hanging wreaths and giving gifts (all of which is true!) - but because I have to. And I better be excited about it and have a good time. And spend enough money to convince certain people that I really mean it. I object to being obligated to do these things, which should stem from the goodness of my own heart, not from some cultural/commercial pressure to do so.



  1. oops. spent 20 minutes trying to log in and then put it in the wrong blog. Damn I hate getting old!
