'Randoms & Tantrums' began at the start of March 2011, and since then I have had a lot of fun drawing stupid pictures and raving like a lunatic, both as a means of catharsis for myself and hopefully some amusement for all of you. It has fulfilled its purpose and served me well. These last 12 -13 months were tumultuous to say the least and it was nice to have a place to come and unload. One of the best things about all this was random people just out of the blue coming up to me saying that they enjoy reading it!
But when thinking about my next post and the post after that, I came to the conclusion that a lot of it was just too tender for the harsh world out there. Its fine to vent about wedding craziness and unexplained weight gain, I would even go so far as to weigh the pros and cons of various mustache-removal products with you in this new journey I am about to embark upon. But the raging fury that was the catalyst for creating this outlet has subsided - something about adrenalin and testosterone... Plus I don't think I'm even half as stressed as I was at this time last year! (Pretty sure there's some kind of post-traumatic shit going on but I'm working it out...) All I want to talk about now are my feelings. BORING!
The world wide web is no place for my private parts, and lately it seems I have been censoring myself more and more in order that I not expose too much. I may be found rumaging around PCOS forums, maybe I'll even start something of my own (although I could never organize the functions - what would I serve for beverages when we are supposed to avoid sugar? I don't need those kind of questions keeping me up at night), but I think my time here is done. Fortunately, through this public
So thanks to everyone for stopping by! Its been a real slice.
sad... but I get it.. I got the Lizzie Love!