I have sort of purposely been ignoring my blog lately. I have a lot to talk about, its just nothing that can be publicly announced right now. Its hard to have a lot of stuff swirling around in my head and not be able to express it. Hopefully soon.
In the meantime, something I can talk about that is really becoming a bee in my bonnett is this outcry from "environmentalists" and certain loud-mouthed celebrities (who think being famous somehow makes their opinions worth hearing, even though they got famous by reading words and ideas from scripts somebody else has written) about Canada's filthy natural resources.
Besides the virulent campaign against Keystone (thanks for wimping out on that one, Obama) and Gateway (Kevin Bacon? Really??), 16x9 recently did a laughably one-sided, completely unsubstantiated "exposé" on the dangerous effects of fracking and the negative effect Canada's oil and gas industry is having on ourselves and our environment. And that one really pissed me off. Safety standards in Canada today are the best they've ever been. And do people actually think they can reasonably argue that it is better to get oil from the Middle East than from Canada? Yeah, we'll threaten nuclear war with Iran over it, but a pipeline from Canada? No, that's just dangerous! I couldn't get over how irresponsible it was of a Canadian program to visciously lampoon Canadian resources, especially in the midst of such ill-informed protest and blustery complaining from our neighbours to the south.
The fact is, all Canadians benefit from the Canadian oil and gas industry; it would be ignorant and irresponsible to argue otherwise, and only acts as fodder for those in opposition: "See! Even Canadians don't like Canadian oil and gas!"
I think, if 16x9 really had those concientious citizen's best interests in mind, they should have spent the last segment of the show educating them on how to grow their own lettuce, carve a bicycle out of wood, and make yarn from wool to knit some long-johns for those cold winter nights. And that goes for anyone else who thinks Canada's incredible resources are dirty and unimportant.
Okay so pretty much immediately after I publish this post I see on the news there was an explosion in Innisfail today. Apparently they were fracking too close to an oil drilling site and the pressure caused the well to blow up. Oh boy. Obviously there are some problems here too. But its still safer and cheaper than oil from the Middle East!
I'm thinking maybe people want the benefits they perceive they would get from controversial things (war, manufacturing using what basically amounts to slave-labour at factories in developing countries, oil and other resources) but they don't want them going down on home turf. Out of sight, out of mind? Hm.
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