Thursday, February 23, 2012

The No Pants Dance


Let me add my voice to the "Leggings Are Not Pants!!" chorus. I walked from my office to the bank downtown on my lunch (less than a block away) and saw three or four ladies who didn't feel like putting on pants this morning. Its zero degrees today btw.

The rule is: If your top isn't long enough to cover your fanny, it should not be worn with leggings.

Tall boots or winter boots do not make leggings and a too-short shirt okay. That chilly sensation your feeling isn't because your feet are not adequately insulated, its on account of the breeze blowing up your crack, because you're not wearing pants.

I hate this trend. It needs to die a shameful death - from hypothermia.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

oh dear, may have just found my first grey hair...   D:

telling myself it is just a really really blond highlight, you know, from all the sunshine we've had this February....

will have Greg pick through my head like a monkey this weekend to ascertain if it is indeed a grey hair or not... while I weep quietly.

IT BEGINS! Eleanor Abernathy becomes Crazy Cat Lady

Monday, February 13, 2012

OMFG@$&?!%!SONOFA....!!! Rrrr!

A week later and I am still waiting for lab results that are supposed to take 24hrs to report. Maybe today the hopeless and jaw-grindingly idiotic receptionist will finally admit that she has lost them and I will get to do this all over again!!

It takes 3 appointments every time I need my bloodwork done: one appointment with the doc to get my requisition form, one appointment at the lab for the actual bloodwork, and another appointment with the doc to pick up my results. Like I've got nothing else to do during the day, you know besides school, a full-time job (at which I have been pulling over-time every week), and a two-hour bus commute to and from downtown. (And of course, eating, sleeping, and maybe a quick shower, but those are luxuries which I have pretty much given up on by now.)

It's hard enough to squeeze all those appointments in once in a month, and I am hanging on by a very thin thread. If I have to do it all over again because some stupid twit can't take a report out of a fax machine and place it in the appropriate file folder there is a definite possibility that I will finally and completely lose my shit.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The Waiting Game

January was the month of waiting. I feel like I spent the whole month holding my breath; patience as an extreme sport. Some of it panned out, some did not.

We finally moved into our house on the 29th. And we love it. It was exhausting and there is still a lot of work to be done. I managed to make it seven days without a functional shower in my home and didn't have a complete freak-out. Indoor plumbing is a beautiful thing. And I just figured out how to hang - and did hang - the rest of the curtains yesterday. (I guess an efficient way to introduce myself to the neighborhood was to live in a house with no curtains - although they might have gotten the wrong idea.) The house needs more than a bit of TLC but we are very happy there. And so are the cats. We all get some space to spread out.

I also (finally!) started my first online course on the 26th. It is hard to carve out the time and taking me longer to go through each unit than I thought it would (chalk that up to 9.5 hrs of work every day, a 2 hr/day bus commute, and a new house) but it feels good to at least be started. My brain is going to have to get back into school mode. It has been a while.

It is all a little bittersweet, an account of there being a couple of other things I was really working at/hoping for this month, that just never came to fruition. I guess you win some, you lose some (or some trite expression about timing).

I meant to take one last picture of Yard Toilet before we left the old place and I just never got around to it. Fortunately, (fortunately??), it was the same contractors working on these bathrooms so we had lots of new old toilets hanging around this place.