Lately I've been feeling like every day is the same day.
Wake up, go to work, get home 11 hours later, feed the cats, change the litter, wash the dishes from last night's dinner, start tonight's dinner, eat, watch a show or two, fall asleep on my face by 9:30.
Wake up the next day, go to work, get home 11 hours later, feed the cats, change the litter, wash the dishes from last night's dinner, start tonight's dinner, eat, watch a show or two, fall asleep on my face by 9:30.
Repeat precisely. Ad nauseum. I could time it down to the minute, but if it bores me to tears it would probably make you want to rip your eyes out/never come here again.
It's such a routine that I wonder if I've been so forgetful lately simply because each day blurs into the next and is the same as the one before it.
And is it deja-vu I experience or is it that I was in that exact same place doing that exact same thing so many times before.
I feel like maybe I should be trying to start something new, but I've honestly been afraid of what stirring the pot might bring up. And then I wonder if maybe I should just enjoy it before the next shit-storm starts. It never rains but it pours as they say. But what it is called when the sailors were stuck on their ships with no wind? Nevermind, I googled it. The Doldrums.